Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Snacks are one of the reasons that I am overweight...

In doctor Herring's book he describes what the body identifies as a snack:

"Do you drink coffee with cream and/or sugar? Sugar-sweetened sodas, lemonade or tea? Alcohol-containing drinks? Count each as a snack. To your body, every packet of fuel that comes into the stomach looks like a snack, whether it's liquid before it enters your mouth or not."

When you add the above snacks to the meal sized snacks I used to eat all day, it is no wonder why I struggled with my weight. Fasting makes it fool proof as far as avoiding snacks. When I was on other diets I would just add that extra spoonful or handful or one or two more pieces, or just another bite. When I add all that up it puts me way over my "points" or "calories" or whatever it is I was measuring or counting.

When what you are supposed to have is ZERO during a certain time, then there is no room for error, there is no way for those "snacks" to get through. During the eating window if you have snacks, they are guilt free and part of the program.

19 hours = Freedom!


  1. Hi! Paula sent me over here. I love IF and have been doing it since November. It is great to meet another person having success with it.

    I hope you'll visit my blog.


  2. It's funny when I saw that picture because it reminded me of one my pictures I shared with the hot chocolate I drank during the holidays that was loaded with whip cream, and candy cane coaded white chocolate chips.

    I've been sacrificing two meals a day for three years now (February 3rd, 2007). A total of 110 lbs and still counting.

    Unlike what Dr. Herring and the Fast5 does, I DO drink cream in my coffee (when I order Tim Hortons'..gotta have cream in that coffee girl,lol). Milk at home with my coffee...or in the winter months, the hot chocolate.

    this helped me NOT consume the food. Beverages never got me eating,,it was ALWAYS the food..one morsel would send me on a binge all day long...now eating the one meal a day, (usually at supper time with my family), I find I have control over the food, it no longer controls me.

    I NEVER even know about Fast5 or intermittent fasting until Paula found it through the internet.

    Paula joined me on a 40 Day Spiritual Journey in December 2009, and we fasted 2 meals a day.(which I had already been doing but we committed to do this together, holding one another accountable and finding support).

    Welcome to a wonderful way of living...yepper, 19 hours DOES equal freedom..Hallelujah!!


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